I used to blog years ago, and then for whatever reason, I stopped. Maybe it was a lack of readers. Maybe it was feeling like I was talking to myself. But I'd like to get back to it. January 1st always makes people reassess their lives – it’s like on midnight of December 31st, there’s this reset button that refreshes everything – past mistakes, wrongdoings, and current rifts you might be having. People begin to set resolutions – eating better, working out and getting in shape, quitting some bad habit…
I’m not one to really set resolutions. I’d like to better myself, sure, but I don’t believe we need to wait until the clock strikes midnight and the calendar flips to January 1st to get it going. And for that matter, there’s no need to wait until a Monday – I’m sure you’ve all heard friends and family (or maybe even yourself) say, “I’ll start my new diet Monday. I’ll go get me a gym membership on Monday…” We’re all guilty of it. How about this – New Year’s Day that falls on a Monday… that’ll be in 2024! It’s coming faster than you realize.
Okay, let me get to the point of this blog post. Back in October I bought a 5-year journal. I am attaching the cover for you to see. It’s a question a day for a whole year. You do it for 5 years to compare how much you’ve grown and changed as a person. I got the first entry complete on this 5-year journey (woohoo) and am already wondering if I’ll be able to stick to it. I have to be honest – when something starts to feel like homework, I lose interest quick. I start out so inspired and as the February lull hits, it gets shoved aside, only for me to find the project next December, covered in dust, with new inspiration that is ignited from you guessed it – January 1st.

Today’s question is – What goal would you like to accomplish this year? If that’s not a January 1st New Year’s resolution question, I don’t know what is!

Goals for 2023 –
1. The usual ones include improving my health (mental and physical), which begins with more physical activity - I’m not going to sit here and say I’m going to do a consistent workout program. I know myself far too well – While I’m on break (I am a school counselor, so we get some good time off) I’m gung-ho and inspired. And then it’s back to work, early alarm clocks, exhausted evenings, and there goes the workout program… right out the window. So instead, I’m just going to try and do something physical each day out of the norm. I walk a lot – up and down the school hallways all day long… walking is great, but it’s normal in my daily life, so I need to do something extra. Walking around the block after dinner… playing in the yard with the dog… romping around with the cat (yes, he wrestles with me like a puppy). I figure that is a much easier goal to sustain… and here and there, I’m sure I’ll get in a good physical workout without the heavy reminder of doing one every single day.
2. Okay, if I haven’t lost you yet, congrats. I’ll reward you with cutting this short, as most people don’t really care about other people’s (cough) resolutions (cough)… even though I said I don’t set any. The goals I wrote in the 5-year journal include:
a. Increase marketing and sales of my books
b. Publish at least 3 books
c. See #1 for physical activity
Maybe this One Question a Day journal will help – I highly doubt I’ll post the question each day. I’m on Winter Break until January 9th, so I’m energized, in a good mood, and have the time. Once school starts back up again, it’s questionable. (Like I said, I know myself too well. I’m usually dead where I sit when I get home from work, both emotionally and physically.)
Long story short – Happy New Year! I hope your 2023 is fantastic. And while today is January 1st and we’re all hopeful to make positive changes and have the best year ever, don’t take yourself too seriously. You’re going to make mistakes. You’re going to fall down. Don’t wait for a Monday or January 1st to get up. If you fall flat on your face on a busy Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday is right there waiting on you. Mondays are hard enough.